Licensing terms and policies for acceptable use of the STOREINO brand

STOREINO may give partners access to brand assets for a specific use case such as publications, conference presentations, press releases, acknowledgments, or in electronic means (web or mobile applications, websites, links). to refer to the status of partnership or integration with STOREINO services. These brand assets are valuable to STOREINO, and their use is governed by the terms of this policy. We have established this policy to protect, maintain and control our brand assets while giving partners clarity on how and when they can use our brand assets. Unless otherwise specified in a separate license agreement, a partner must comply with this Policy when using the Brand Assets. If you wish to use a Brand Asset, you must comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this Policy that govern their use. While there is no requirement that you agree to this Policy, nothing else gives you STOREINO's permission to use its Brand Assets and, therefore, if you do not agree to or comply with these terms, continued use of a Brand Asset is without STOREINO's permission or consent.

Unauthorized Uses:

Alteration of the STOREINO logo or images

Unless expressly authorized, partners are responsible for ensuring that they do not use the Brand Assets in the following manner:Partners shall not remove, modify, change, distort or alter any element of the logos or images provided by STOREINO. This includes:

  • Changing the color of the images or logos
  • Modification of the ratio height/width of the images or the logos
  • Reduction of the quality of the images or logos to make them illegible, blurred, or other visual imperfections.

Brand Alterations:

Partners must not edit, modify, combine, or distort elements of word marks provided by STOREINO. This includes:

  • Creating variations or abbreviations of trademarks.
  • Changing the formatting or including symbols in the trademarks.
  • misspelling of trademarks (e.g., Storino, storyno)
  • Using trademarks as verbs or nouns.

Using brand assets in a negative way:

Partners must not use brand assets, the STOREINO name, or refer to STOREINO in a way that would give a negative image or endanger the business. This includes:

  • Using brand assets to create a false sense of support, approval, or sponsorship.
  • STOREINO is derogatory in the use of brand assets.

Use of visual identity and logo

The main STOREINO logo and the color version, with the blue logotype, and the blue wordmark. Reverse and one-color versions are also available for use in different circumstances.

About Image

One-color Black Where printing restrictions do not allow for fulLcolor printing ,the black version can be used

arab logo black

One-color White Arabic version

black icon

simple version of Icône logo

white logo

Reverse can be used over solid colors, subtle gradients, or subtle patterns, provided they don’t interfere with integrity of the mark

arab logo white

Reverse Arabic version

img of logo

White version of Icône Logo

blue icon

Primary version of Icône Logo

blue logo

the primary version of the logo and should be used in most cases

arab blue logo

the Arabic version of the logo and should be used in most cases


  • R 95
  • G 159
  • B 254
  • #0d9ef9


  • R 77
  • G 123
  • B 254
  • #4d7bfe

the font used is : Poppins Black

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Storeino is the first COD e-commerce platform, the result of over 10 years of experience in the field. It has a simple and easy dashboard that allows you to create and manage an online store

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